3 Foods to Help Varicose Veins
Nutrition and lifestyle are significant factors helping you prevent varicose veins. Varicose veins happen a lot to both men and women. There are many risk factors including ages, genes, pregnancy, excess weight, inactivity, etc., that can cause vein disease to develop.
Tweaking your eating habits to a healthy diet by consuming these three foods will sure that you get enough micronutrients that are needed to keep varicose veins at bay.
What To Avoid
1. Salty Food: Eating salty food like pizza or cold cuts can lead to water retention in your blood. This consequently adds extra pressure to your blood vessels and restricts blood circulation. By limiting the consumption of salty food, you are less likely to develop varicose veins.
2. Fatty Food: Avoid eating foods high in fat as it rapidly increases the weight range above the average. Excess weight is one of the reasons for most vein conditions.
What To Eat
1. Blueberries
Blueberries aren’t called superfoods for nothing. The high levels of anthocyanin content in blueberries help promote the overall health of the veins by repairing damaged protein structures in the blood vessel walls. Those who suffer from varicose veins are recommended to eat blueberries by our vein specialist.
Superfoods to Fuel Vein Health
2. Avocados
Vitamins C and E play significant roles in preventing oxidant damage in your blood vessels, which are caused by spider veins and varicose veins. These two vitamins are abundant in avocados and can help strengthen your vein health.
3. Ginger
The lumpy and hard appearance of varicose veins is attributed to fibrin. People with varicose veins tend to have an impaired ability to dissolve fibrin. This is where ginger saves the day! It has been found out that ginger has the ability to improve circulation by dissolving fibrin that pools in blood vessels.
Varicose Veins happen to more than 80 US million people. It is a common disease that can be prevented by diet and lifestyle.
Seeking Vein Specialist’s Advice
Leading a healthy lifestyle and following a healthy diet can help prevent varicose veins. However, to treat varicose veins permanently, it would require some other minimally invasive procedures. Let us help you revise your diet and lifestyle for varicose-free legs! The Physicians Vein Clinic employs advanced technologies in the diagnosis and treatment of vein problems, complemented with compassionate patient care which results in positive outcomes.
Book a FREE Screening to learn about your risks and vein health. Call us at 888-782-8346! We look forward to helping you!